Sunday 10 February 2019

Licenses and authorship

Last Tuesday we talked about licenses and authorship. We learned to cite and attribute those images and resources that we usually take from the internet in order to use them in our CLIL projects.

Creative Commons (CC) licenses are the most widespread. The first activity was to license our learning journals. Some of us set up a new widget on the sidebar of our blog while others stated the license at the bottom of the page.

Creative Commons logo
Creative Commons logo

The most popular license for our work was CC-BY-SA license: Attribution + Share alike. This means that anyone using any content on our learning journal must specify the source (our name & blog) and share his/her work under the same license.

We found the next presentation about Creative Commons license by Anna Araky to be extremeley helpful, by the way.

Our classmate Sonia licensed her learning journal via a sidebar widget and here is the result; she prefers applying a CC-BY-NC-ND license.

Screen capture from Sonia's Adventura Blog

Now we are ready to start respecting authorship for the material used in our lessons meanwhile teaching our students at school to do so as well.

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